Find your mom squad.

If you're looking for community, loving childcare, and support for you, we've got you covered. Join our MomCo group to find what you need. You can actually finish your sentence and your coffee. We meet the 2nd & 4th Mondays each month at 9:30. Our first meeting is Monday, September 23 and we would love to meet you!

 Sign up now

MomCo at Vision of Glory

We have amazing volunteers who will love on your children (for free!) and teach them about the love of Jesus. Kids under Kindergarten can participate in music, crafts, and snack; kids Kindergarten and older can be helpers. While the kids are having a blast, moms share brunch/snacks and coffee, and learn from a live or video presenter. We are a smaller, close-knit group of moms, and we always have room for more! 

If you have questions, please reach out to Jeni Huff.


MomCo at Vision of Glory is part of The MomCo International.

"The MomCo (short for Mom Community) — where we mobilize moms all over the world to build life-changing community."

Each year, The MomCo launches a theme for the year. This year's theme is Wild Hope.
"The wilds are unexpected places where the best things begin. Hope is often born in the wilds. Frequently in the Bible, the wilderness is where God transforms us, raises us as leaders, and prepares us to live passionately and with purpose."

Learn more about The MomCo and this year's theme