Parking, directions, and hours

Vision of Glory is conveniently located near the intersection of highways 494 and 55 on the west side of the Twin Cities. There is no direct access from Highway 55.  Head north on Northwest Blvd from Highway 55, turn right on Campus Drive to access our parking lot.

There is plenty of parking on all sides of the building.  There will be a friendly greeter at the door to help you find your way!

Weekday Office Hours:

Monday Closed

Tuesday  9am - 3pm

Wednesday  9am - 3pm

Thursday  9am -3pm

Friday  9am - 12pm

13200 Highway 55  Plymouth, MN  55441


You can expect a warm, welcoming group of people who would love to get to know you and answer any questions you might have about Vision of Glory! We are known for our feeling of family here and look forward to meeting you!

If you have little ones, know that we love having children here.  We have a tree stand of activities located near the Sanctuary entrance to keep little hands busy so their hearts and minds can engage more fully in the service. We also have a Family Room with private nursing space and speakers to the service as well as a volunteer staffed Nursery for 0-5 year olds.

You'll find quiet things for busy hands to do during worship; and headphones, sunglasses, and weighted lap blankets to make worship more accessible. We also have gross motor things for kids to use during classes. These items make our worship and church a more welcoming and supportive place for anyone who needs it. You can find them right when you turn to go down to the VOG Kid’s hallway, but they are for people of all ages to use!