Director of Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry Vision
To equip and support children and their families to an authentic, compassionate, and living faith.

Principle Responsibilities

• Prayerfully cast and communicate a vision for Children’s Ministry consistent with the vision and mission of VOG. 

• Organize, implement, and evaluate ministry programs (principally Wednesday evenings, Sunday mornings, and VBS) to children and their families. 

• Recruit, equip and shepherd adult and youth volunteers for this ministry. 

• Equip and provide resources to parents to be the primary teachers of faith matters to their children. 

• Report to and work collaboratively with Director/Pastor of Next-Gen Ministries.

• Work closely with Children’s Ministry Assistant. 

• Help develop and work with leadership teams in each area of Children’s Ministry.

Ministry Aspirations

Vision of Glory Children’s Ministry will become a place in which…

• Children have reverence for and gain strong knowledge of God’s Word by learning how God’s Story is relevant to their lives and by memorizing Scripture. 

• Children experience a loving, fun, and safe environment in which they are excited to learn in energetic, interactive and age-appropriate ways the truths of God according to the way they were created to learn. 

• This family of God cares for one another deeply by intentionally building loving connections within a rich inter- generational community of children, parents, volunteers and other adults. 

• Children are led to encounter Father, Son and Holy Spirit in prayer and worship in such a compelling way that they confess Jesus as Lord and grow in the spiritual practices of their faith and love of God. 

• Children are encouraged to live a life that witnesses to Jesus by inviting friends and neighbors to church and by serving others, both in their church community and beyond. 

• Volunteers are gathered into a close-knit community that is strongly supported by a shepherd leader who ensures they serve with sufficient resources and clear communication of the ministry’s vision and implementation.

Qualites and Requirements

• Committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

• A sense of calling to ministry with children and families.

• Theology and values are in harmony with the congregation’s mission, vision, and values. Good knowledge of the Bible.

• Education requirements depend on experience. College degree preferred. Experience teaching and leading groups of children.

• Professional work ethic, positive attitude, and motivational skills.

• Relational skills with children, parents, staff, and community.

• Program planning or envisioning and implementation skills.

• Administrative and organizational skills. 

• Advocate for children, families, and their needs in the congregation and community.


Part-time position– 20 hours/week    •    Salary: Commensurate with qualifications    •   Vacation